Pancake and honesty box
Posted by Ágnes Taraszovics · Jul 17, 2014

The country’s first “pay what you want” pancake house opened last month.  The Fánkydoo named creperie has it all that the others, except for one thing: pricing.

There are few better things than pancakes. Everyone loves them whether it’s with jam, cocoa, or meat, and that's why there are lots of pancake houses across the city. But Fánkydoo is special, because it works "pay what you want" basis, so you pay for what you see fit. Caterers trust (can trust) on their guests, like when you’re visiting your friends. The feeling is the same: there are never enough pancakes but everyone deserves some. This could be the basic principle of this pancake house.

If you desire a real American pancake or the thin Hungarian style, then go ahead to the Bajnok Street in the 6th district. The pancake has no price, so you pay what you want. But you should be on guard: they only make 50 American and 50 giant (56 cm) pancakes, and offers 100 glass soft drinks (2 dl). So because of the limited amount, everyone can get only one pancake and one soft drink per day. Although limited daily quantity is available, worth a visit to the Bajnok Street. In addition to the classic flavors we can eat pancakes which have become really popular in recent years, like the Nutella flavored one. The latest news is that gluten-free pancakes can also be found in the selection.

You can invite yourself for a pancake in the Fánkydoo anytime between Wednesday to Saturday, from 3 pm to 10 pm. But pay attention: they have specialized in serving on the spot, so if you want to take away then bring a storage device (20cm x 10cm) with you. However, if you don’t have, they can solve it, just don’t forget to say thanks. And one last thing: it’s advisable to go for opening, because the delicious snacks disappear quickly. If you arrive late and they ran out of the daily dose, you can still bargain the chef, maybe you can soften his heart.

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