This is the best lángos hut in Hungary
Posted by Mia Balogh · Oct 11, 2017

If you come to Hungary, the traditional deep fried doughy treat, lángos is a must-try. Are you looking for the best hut for it? We can tell you where to find it.

Some people say that lángos is some kind of a Hungarian fast food, while others name it street food (well, we must say that the latter sounds more chic nowadays). Anyway, we think that if you visit Hungary, it is really worth trying this delicious, deep fried doughy treat. And now, we can tell you where you can get the best lángos in the country.

Of course, there are several very good lángos huts in Budapest but the best one can be found in a small town called Tiszakécske. We can affirm that based on the results of a competition: ‘Lángos Voks’ (lángos vote) was organized by the oil brand Vénusz, and most of the votes of the lángos lovers were given to Lángos Buffet in Tiszakécske. So it is the best lángos hut of Hungary in 2017.

The competition turned out to be a quite exciting, it was nip and tuck between two buffets until the end when Lángos Buffet triumphed with 2229 votes. They are followed by Lángos a’la Rohlicsek with 1928 votes.

The winner lángos hut’s team has been making fantastic lángos on the market of Tiszakécske for already 12 years. The dough of their lángos is medium thick, crunchy and is abundantly topped with cheese and garlic. So it is not surprising that people absolutely love it.

The owner, Józsefné Balogh, Babi, said that she developed the dough recipe for years and she only uses quality ingredients for it. The other secret of her success is that she doesn’t believe in reusing the oil: she only uses it once for baking lángos. Now she will have some more oil for it because as the winner of the competition, Lángos Buffet receives 500 litres of sunflower oil from the well-known oil brand.

Did you know?

Lángos Buffet could be rewarded for their creativity in charity, as well. The buffet introduced a so called ‘thank you lángos’ a few years ago: it costs 290 forint and anyone can buy it. Babi collects these bills, takes them to a local family support service where the co-workers give it to people in need. They can later go to Lángos Buffet and exchange the bills for lángos.

  • best
  • hut
  • in hungary
  • lángos
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